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Dapoxetine 90, 60, 30 mg
$0.93Per pill

Active Ingredient: dapoxetine

Dapoxetine is used as a treatment for premature ejaculation.

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Dapoxetine: instructions for use

Dapoxitine is one of the most well-known and commonly used drugs for treating premature ejaculation in men and restoring erectile function.

The medication is produced in the form of film-coated tablets with a round, biconvex shape and green color. Dapoxetine has been used in medical practice as a potency regulator since 2004.

Dapoxetine should be stored in its original packaging, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. The shelf life is 3 years.

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Composition and pharmacological action of Dapoxetine

The main active ingredient in the drug is dapoxetine in the form of hydrochloride. Additionally, the tablets contain form and bulk compounds.

The auxiliary components are:

  • sodium carboxymethyl starch
  • microcrystalline cellulose
  • colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide
  • magnesium stearate

Dapoxetine is a modern drug that is used to eliminate problems in the genital area of ​​men. The agent is a serotonin uptake inhibitor, which ensures the normalization of ejaculation in men from 18 to old age.

The ejaculation process is mainly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers innervate the seminal vesicles, the vas deferens, the prostate gland, the muscles of the urethra and the neck of the bladder, causing their coordinated contractions, leading to ejaculation. Dapoxetine inhibits ejaculation, increasing the latency period and decreasing the duration of reflex impulses of motor neurons of the perineal ganglia.

The stimulus that triggers ejaculation is generated in the spinal reflex center, which is controlled through the brain stem by several nuclei of the brain, including the preoptic and paraventricular ones.

The active substance of the drug delays ejaculation by blocking receptors in the male cerebral cortex. The effect is manifested from the first dose and lasts for 3-4 hours, and increases depending on the concentration of the drug in the body. The required effect is achieved within 30 minutes after administration. The action of the drug is selective, aimed at curbing ejaculation and the absorption of serotonin.

After a course of treatment with Dapoxetine in men, the general condition of the body and the reproductive system improves, including the normalization of the psycho-emotional state, mood and behavior.

Dapoxetine is rapidly absorbed when taken orally. The maximum plasma content is reached in blood plasma 1-2 hours after the drug is consumed. The bioavailability of the drug is 42%. The drug can be taken with or without food. Plasma protein binding is about 99%.

Dapoxetine metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine as conjugates. Dapoxetine is rapidly excreted, as evidenced by its low plasma content 24 hours after ingestion.


  1. Convenient dosage form of the drug
  2. Has a high effectiveness of the product
  3. Allows you to get a quick therapeutic effect


  1. Dispensed by prescription
  2. May cause a large number of side effects
  3. Has no alcohol compatibility
  4. Has a high cost
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Instructions for using the drug

The use of the medicinal product should be carried out only in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the use of Dapoxetine and in compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Indications for use

The purpose of the drug is to treat premature ejaculation in men between the ages of 18 and 64.

Method of use

The drug is taken orally, regardless of the meal schedule. The tablet must be swallowed whole and washed down with a glass of water.

The recommended starting dose is 30 mg; this dose is taken 1-3 hours before the intended intercourse. With insufficient effect and good tolerance, the dose can be increased to 60 mg. Patients in whom taking a dose of 30 mg is accompanied by symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, an increase in the dose of Dapoxetine is unacceptable.

In accordance with the instructions, the medication is allowed to be taken no more than once a day. The maximum daily dose with good tolerance is 60 mg. After 4 weeks of admission, the attending physician should assess the risk-benefit ratio of using Dapoxetine to decide whether further treatment is appropriate.

Contraindications of the drug

When using the drug, one should take into account the possible presence of contraindications in a man.

Dapoxetine is contraindicated:

  1. With individual intolerance.
  2. In case of allergic reactions to the components of the preparation.
  3. With cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. When detecting oncological diseases.
  5. In case of severe diseases of the digestive system.
  6. With internal bleeding
  7. With cardiovascular diseases, migraines and mental disorders.

It is forbidden to use Dapoxetine in combination with other serotonin reuptake inhibitors and drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect.

Caution should be exercised when carrying out therapy with Depoxetine if a man has mild and moderate renal impairments, as well as when combining the drug with anticoagulants and drugs that affect the ability of platelets to aggregate.

Dapoxetine should not be taken by women and children, as well as by men with epilepsy, renal and hepatic insufficiency, hypotension.

Side effects

Dapoxetine therapy can cause a number of side effects.

Adverse reactions are:

  • headache
  • dizziness attacks
  • urge to vomit
  • bouts of nausea
  • constipation
  • migraine attacks
  • diarrhea

Also, as side effects, the patient may experience allergic reactions, which are manifested by urticaria, skin rash, Quincke's edema, itching, burning sensation and increased sensitivity.

In rare cases, taking the drug can provoke the development of immunodeficiency, heart failure, blurred vision and pain in the genitals.

In clinical practice, no cases of overdose have been recorded. With excessive intake of the drug in doses reaching up to 240 mg, there are no undesirable effects.

In some cases, the patient may experience an overdose of serotonergic reactions.

Common reactions are:

  1. Sleepiness
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders in the form of attacks of nausea and vomiting
  3. Tachycardia
  4. Tremor
  5. Excitation
  6. Dizziness

There is no specific antidote. To eliminate the consequences, in case of an overdose, symptomatic therapy is carried out. The use of forced diuresis, dialysis, hemoperfusion and blood transfusion is ineffective, which is associated with significant binding of the drug to blood plasma proteins.

Drug interactions and special instructions

Dapoxetine should not be combined with drugs such as Tramadol and Tryptophan during drug therapy. The drug should not be used in conjunction with medications for schizophrenia, depressive disorders and HIV.

You should not use the potency regulator in combination with sleeping pills or during antibiotic therapy.

If any of these drugs are used by the patient, then the interval between the end of their intake and the beginning of the therapeutic course of Dapoxetine should be at least 14 days.

Dapoxetine is intended only for men with premature ejaculation.

The drug has no compatibility with alcohol when used together, alcoholic beverages enhance the effect of Dapoxetine on the central nervous system and the neurocardiogenic side effects of ethanol. Therefore, patients should be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol while using the drug Dapoxetine.

The drug Dapoxetine should not be taken by patients with a history of mania / hypomania or bipolar disorders; if symptoms of these diseases appear, the drug should be discontinued.

When conducting therapy in patients with controlled epilepsy, careful monitoring of the state of the body is required.

When using the product, dizziness, impaired attention, fainting, blurred vision and drowsiness may occur, therefore, during the period of drug therapy, it is recommended to abandon driving vehicles and technical mechanisms that can pose a threat to a man's life.

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